
Consent to participate in Mystic Festival 2023 for people who are under 13 on the day of the event

Consent to participate in Mystic Festival 2023 for people who are 13 years old on the day of the event

Mystic Festival 2023
  1. These Terms & Conditions, hereinafter referred to as the “Terms & Conditions,” has been issued by Mystic Coalition Sp. z o.o. Sp. k., entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register under the KRS (National Court Register No.): 0000754728, NIP (Tax ID No.): 5130257272, REGON (National Business Registry No.): 38163305200000, address: Minoga 127, 32-046 Minoga, email:, hereinafter referred to as the “Organiser.”

  2. The Terms & Conditions applies to all persons present in the area of the “Mystic Festival” artistic and entertainment event taking place from 7th June 2023 to 10th June 2023 in Stocznia Gdańska (Gdańsk Shipyard), hereinafter referred to as the “Event,” constituting a mass event as defined in the provisions of the Act of 20th March 2009 on the security and safety of mass events (Journal of Laws No. 62, item 504), organised by the Organiser.

  3. The right to enter the Event area is granted to persons who have presented an entry ticked issued by the Organiser as part of the pool of generally available tickets or who had been granted the right to enter the Event area individually by the Organiser, with the reservation of section 4. A minor aged 13-18 can enter the Event only upon their parent/legal guardian providing a written consent to their participation in the Event, worded as in the template constituting an Appendix to these Terms & Conditions. The signed consent must be provided to the Organiser along with an entry ticket issued by the Organiser before entering the Event.

  4.  A minor under 13 can enter the Event only under the care of an adult with an entry ticket and/or other documents enabling them to enter the Event, as described in these Terms & Conditions, who, before entering the Event, has submitted a written declaration to be responsible for the minor in question, worded as in the Appendix to these Terms & Conditions. The parent/guardian is obliged to have a document with the child’s full name and age. Minors under 13 are not obliged to have an entry ticket to the Event (they can enter the festival free of charge).

  5.  On entry to the Event, the entry tickets can be exchanged to IDs issued by the Organiser in the form of a wristband. If this is the case, the participant shall be obliged to have the wristband on the wrist throughout the duration of the Event. A unique bar code on every entry ticket entitles to exchange the ticket to an ID in the form of a wristband only during the first scan. Only one person can use the wristband. Losing the wristband means losing the right to enter the Event area. Only a participant with an undamaged wristband attached permanently to the wrist can enter the Event area. It is forbidden to resell or give away the wristband or the entry ticket.

  6. Every person in the Event area shall be obliged to comply with all the epidemiological restrictions and the sanitary regime implemented on the basis of the legal regulations generally applicable in the Republic of Poland.

  7. Entry to individual objects/zones in the Event area, in which artistic shows and concerts are held as part of the Event, due to security reasons and object dimensions, can be limited to a specific number of people. In such a case, the entry priority is determined on the time of arrival to an object/zone.

  8. The Organiser shall appoint security service in the Event area tasked with taking care of the security and safety of the persons present in the Event area, hereinafter referred to as the “Security and Information Service Personnel”.

  9. The Security and Information Service Personnel is obliged to carry visible IDs with the following information: name of issuer, ID no., face image, validity date, stamp and signature of issuer.

  10. The persons present in the Event area are obliged to have on their persons valid ID documents defined as: ID card, temporary ID certificate, passport, driving licence, school ID or university ID, foreigner ID document, or a different ID document with face image and age. At the entrance to the Event area, the Security and Information Service Personnel can demand from the persons entering the Event area to present such a document.

  11. Persons present in the Event area are obliged to behave in a manner not endangering others, and, specifically, to follow the Terms & Conditions.

  12. The Security and Information Service Personnel are entitled to:

    1. check and verify rights to be in the Event area, and if no such rights are identified – demand to leave the Event,

    2. check ID of persons in order to identify them,

    3. browse through the contents of bags and clothing of persons present in the Event area, and if such persons are suspected to bring or have objects forbidden in the Event area per the Terms & Conditions,

    4. issue orders to the persons disturbing public order or behaving in a way violating the Terms & Conditions, and if such orders are not followed – to demand to leave the Event,

    5. apprehend persons posing direct threat to the property or persons protected by the security as well as persons committing forbidden acts, in order to immediately hand them over to the Police,

    6. deny access to the Event and the participation in it to a person which:
      a) pursuant to the Act of 20th March 2009 on the security and safety of mass events is banned from entering a mass event in the cases determined in the Act;
      b) refuses to participate in the activities defined in the Act of 20th March 2009 on the security and safety of mass events;
      c) is visibly under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, psychoactive substances or other agents to similar effect;
      d) has a weapon or other dangerous objects, explosive materials, pyrotechnical products, materials presenting fire hazard, alcoholic beverages, narcotics, psychoactive substances, or other products, beverages, agents, or substances the possession of which is prohibited by the Terms & Conditions;
      e) is aggressive, provocative or otherwise poses threat to the security or public order;
      f) is not entitled to access the Event area;
      g) does not follow the Terms & Conditions.

    7. remove from the Event area any persons described in the previous section.

  13. The activities taken up by the Security Personnel should be performed in a way ensuring respecting human dignity and property of the persons subjected to such activities.

  14. The Security Personnel can use means of direct coercion described in the Act of 20th March 2009 on the security and safety of mass events. The application of means of direct coercion and documenting such use by the Security Personnel shall take place in accordance with the rules defined in the Act of 24th May 2013 on the means of direct coercion and firearms.

  15. In the Event area and in its close proximity it is forbidden to:


      bring and carry weapons or other dangerous objects, explosive materials, pyrotechnical products, materials presenting fire hazard, alcoholic beverages (except of the ones purchased from the Organiser in the mass event area, containing up to 3.5% of alcohol), narcotics or psychoactive substances, tasers, pepper spray, knives, clubs, chains, firecrackers, smoke generators, lasers, laser pointers, or objects that might be used as projectiles or any other similar objects, any glass, metal or plastic packaging materials, and any sharp objects, gas containers, drones and unmanned aerial vehicles,

    2. bring and have audio and video recording equipment or photo equipment, and to take photographs, record audio and video without consent of the Organiser,

    3. conduct any commercial or other profit-making activity without the permission of the Organiser,

    4. enter the rooms or premises labelled “Zakaz Wstępu” (e.g. staff rooms, elements of stage construction, room for artists, etc.),

    5. smoke tobacco and cigarettes outside the marked smoking zones,

    6. tend to bodily needs outside the provided toilettes,

    7. throw any objects,

    8. use open flame,

    9. make bonfires,

    10. use grilling devices,

    11. vandalise infrastructure in the Event area,

    12. disturb order and contaminate the area,

    13. bring animals, with the exception of guide dogs,

    14. enter the Event area before and after the Event,

    15. bring and have in the Event area a backpack, purse or other type of bag larger than A4 format.

  16. All the persons present in the Event area are obliged to follow orders of the Security and Information Service Personnel. A person can refuse to comply only if such orders violate the generally applicable legal regulations.

  17. A monitoring system shall be installed in the Event area in the form of audio and video recording devices. The monitoring activities shall be performed in order to ensure safety and security of persons and property. The Organiser acts as data controller. Personal data obtained as a result of the monitoring activities shall be shared with the company providing IT services, the security company, and institutions legally entitled to it. The data obtained from the monitoring activities shall be processed and stored for a period no longer than 3 months from the date of recording, unless the image recordings constitute proof in legal proceedings, or the Organiser has been informed that they can constitute proof in proceedings – the aforementioned period is extended until the proceedings have been validly completed. After the aforementioned periods have expired, the image recordings obtained as a result of the monitoring activities and including monitoring data shall be deleted, unless other regulations state otherwise. Detailed information related to the processing of personal data is available at the Organiser’s.

  18. In the Event area, stroboscopic lights can be used, and all the participants can be exposed to constantly intensive sounds, which can be harmful to the hearing. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable.

  19. The Terms & Conditions are available at and at the entrance to the Event.

  20. The Terms & Conditions become effective as of 26/04/2023.