Deströyer 666 will replace Godflesh during Warm Up Day

We learned yesterday that Godflesh will not be able to perform on June 7 in Gdansk. Despite our and the band’s efforts, there was no way around the formal problems that kept the band in the UK. Godflesh’s place in the festival program is taken by the wilderness incarnate – Deströyer 666.

Deströyer 666 need no introduction to fans of old-school, barbaric black/thrash metal – the band has been waving the flag of hate for almost three decades. Last year they reminded us of themselves with the excellent album “Never Surrender”, in the spring they reached Poland with shows where they took no prisoners. Did you manage to get out of them unscathed? They will get you good at the festival!

Deströyer 666 replaced Godflesh, the British pioneers of industrial metal, on the program. The reasons for the cancellation of the show at the festival are presented by the band themselves in the following statement:

Sadly we have to cancel our show at Mystic festival, Due to our passports being held much longer than expected at the British US embassy.
We can’t travel without them and there’s not much we can do unfortunately.
We know that Poland was looking forward to seeing GODFLESH playing and we hope to come back as soon as possible for you all.
Special thanks goes to MYSTIC organizers and crew for everything done so far and we want to say again how sorry we are for all this, but it was something we couldn’t control in the end.